Customer Satisfaction Measurement

TBI’s Customer Satisfaction Measurement Service helps organizations to design and implement surveys in a manner that can reliably pinpoint both service strengths and opportunities for improvement. Surveys are carefully designed to focus on specific work processes and the attributes of service of most concern. Customer satisfaction survey administration plans are developed that assure that the appropriate customers are included in the survey and that identify the most effective survey schedule and delivery method (e.g., e-mail, intranet, paper, etc.).

TBI services include pilot testing of surveys, analysis and reporting of survey results, and, when desired, on-going management of the survey administration process. In addition, we assist clients who are contracting for outsourced services in preparing the contract text that establish vendor and client customer satisfaction measurement responsibilities, and which provide a contractual framework for the survey design and administration to be jointly developed after contract signature.

TBI’s Customer Satisfaction Measurement service clients consistently benefit from our
in-depth knowledge of surveying and measurement techniques and our delivery of:

  • Valid survey content designs that include coverage of all key attributes of service
  • Psychometrically sound customer satisfaction rating scales
  • Survey recipient plans that assure the right people are asked to evaluate the attributes of service
  • Surveys utilizing multiple points of service evaluation and multiple stakeholder viewpoints (e.g., on-going point of service evaluations on specific services delivered and semi-annual summary evaluations by particular stakeholder groups) to provide a full picture of customer satisfaction
  • Survey processes that capture information in sufficient detail to enable proactive response
  • Pilot-tested survey administration processes
  • Survey administration processes that assure measurement reliability and motivate as high a response rate as possible
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